Therapy for Teenagers
Adolescence is a time of exploration, of trying out different things and building one’s identity. But this is also a time of change and instability that many teens find challenging. Perhaps the greatest difficulty that many adolescents face is not being understood by the important people in their lives. At this time many teenagers appreciate an opportunity to discuss their concerns in an accepting and unbiased atmosphere.
Below is a list of concerns that many teens share:
- Feeling unattractive
- Feeling lonely and left-out
- Not fitting into the group
- Romantic problems
- Addictions to videogames or social media
- Gender identity
- Self-harm & suicidal thoughts
- Skipping school
- Mood swings and anxiety
Parenting a teenager can be stressful. Teens strive for independence and privacy, but they also need help in making decisions and finding their place in the world. Parents often experience a great deal of stress when their child enters the teenage years. Even if you have a good relationship with your child, once your child hits adolescence, you may feel that you are “losing touch”.
Here is a list of common concerns parents have:
- Difficulty negotiating rights and responsibilities
- Losing your parental authority
- Losing touch with your teen
- Conflicts at home
- Concerns about bad peer influence
- Concerns about smoking/alcohol/drug use
How do you know if what your child is experiencing is a part of normal teen behaviour or whether it is a cause of concern?
If your teen is unable to manage strong emotions, has difficulty connecting socially, engages is impulsive behaviour or lacks self-esteem, maybe it’s time to seek help.
How do you discuss therapy with your teen? First of all, express your concerns and ask your teen to come and try therapy once. Think about the problems your teenager might be more motivated to address (i.e. making friends, dealing with school stress, etc.). If your family experiences high levels of conflict, discuss therapy as a way of working on managing conflict for all involved. If your teen still refuses to come to therapy and you need guidance, don’t hesitate to book a session for yourself!
If you feel that your teen has a problem, or you need help improving your relationship with your teen, I am here to
If you are facing in the right direction, all you need to do is keep on walking.
Every journey begins with a first step. Let me support your child on the road to a happier and more successful future. Contact me today at (514) 704-1307.